Sunday The Day of The Sun, (post love party)

Candles and screen projections, Recyclart,   Brussels, 2021 

A performance delivered on the main stage of Recyclart in Brussels in the form of a ritual, in order to release an atmosphere of seduction for the party that followed. Surrounded by candles, red lights and projections of my drawings, I read out loud an essayistic autobiographical essay about online dating during quarantine. My intention was to guide the audience through a scripted choreography of the moon phase and introduce them to the world of magic and symbols.

Aimilia’s cooking show, part of the KVTV TELEVISION, 3. Folge


For my contribution to the the third episode of KVTV Television I casted three spells about rejections and art careers. While using several props within a stage set inspired by popular cooking shows, I talked about the spells’ inspiration, preparation, and stages of cooking.

No kisses, but bites


Live Performance, 00:08:40, 2021


A performance carried live on Twitch during 2021 Valentine’s Day as an improvised narration within the scenery I produced to bring together various elements of my practice, aiming to explore how individuals are damaged through patriarchal structures. Drawing on both personal narratives and folk tradition, I tried to poison whatever is destroying these existences with spells and rituals. I used incantations inspired by personal narratives that express dissatisfaction, or other magic practices in order to invite people to cope with desire’s impossible horizons.